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Güngören Doğakent Site Urban Transformation Project, 2021

Project Land: Istanbul, Gungoren Gencosman Neighborhood

Project Area: 3.267 m²

Total Construction Area: 20,318 m²

Total Number of Independent Sections: 148 Residences + 14 Commercial Units


Architectural Project Services Provided:

Concept Project

Permit Projects

Application Projects


Güngören Project was designed as a closed site consisting of 2 blocks on a 3250 m² land to be obtained by demolishing the existing Doğa Kent Site within the scope of urban transformation. The closed site has 1 pedestrian entrance and 1 parking garage entrance.


There are a total of 148 flats and 14 shops in the project, 22 of which are 3+1, 105 are 2+1 and 21 are 1+1. The residence blocks, which have 6 and 9 flats on the floor, were designed considering the flat positions of the existing beneficiaries.


The common open area in the middle of the blocks surrounded by the commercial floor was equipped with landscape elements such as a children's playground, sports field and sitting areas.


A 2-storey parking garage was arranged under the blocks and under the middle courtyard. 92 parking garages were provided.


All of the rain water was collected in the cistern and was designed to be used for garden irrigation.


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