7Climate7District Neighborhood - Black Sea Region, 2017
Architectural Team: Korkut Yildirim, Hilal Cumhur, Yagmur Goksuzoglu
Landscape Architect: Süveyda Bayraktar Atagur
City and Regional Planner: Cihan Şehla
Project Land : Kastamonu, Örencik
Project Area: 239,967 m²
Total Construction Area: 84,600 m²
Total Number of Houses: 505 Piece
If you live in a neighborhood…
You greet in the neighbourhood. You walk in the neighbourhood. You run in the neighborhood. You play in the neighborhood. You meet your neighbor in the market in the neighborhood. You worship together in the neighborhood. You can withdraw your pension from the bank around the corner in the neighborhood. You have a cat in the neighborhood. You plant in the neighborhood. You share in the neighborhood.
You become a Neighborhood in the Neighborhood. One of everyone, part of everyone.
In this context, the first setup of the project was created with the search for a spatial organization where one could walk, play, encounter, and go to the market in the project.
With the advancing time and changing lifestyles, the change of space is inevitable, but also necessary. At this point, the important thing is; The effect of the aforementioned chain changes on relationships and communication, and the effect on references to the past.
In this direction, it is a great need to synthesize traditional neighborhood life with modern urban spaces in order to overcome the social and communication gap created by modern urban spaces. While this synthesis will meet the spatial demands of today's urban users, it will also reference traditional life.
It was aimed to reach this synthesis while creating the sub-neighborhood structure connected to Kastamonu Örencik city center.
Today's city is built on an old building stock that has come from the past and now has completed its economic life, in an irregular, unidentified and intense new construction harassment, without scale-harmony, occupancy-space balance, without adequate green and/or open space planning, traffic planning incompletely and most importantly, by adding different interpretations to the word "modern", it is shaped from the traditional without any social, spatial or perceptual trace concerns, and therefore offers an unhealthy urban outdoor life. This offering minimizes pedestrian circulation, eliminates opportunities for social encounters, gives each pedestrian space only a transitional identity, and highlights the importance of the spatial organization in which communication will take place. One of the cornerstones of this organization is the neighborhood.
The project area is located in the southeast of Kastamonu, at the intersection of the airport and the existing urban texture, on a ridge overlooking the countryside on the slope, and at the intersection of regional and urban scale main transportation axes, with a location that will be very effective in shaping the new urban texture that may develop in its immediate vicinity, and being a reference for new settlements. has potential. However, the location in question also brings a disconnection from the city center, and it also carries a risk that will lead to the perception of loneliness, distance and difficulty in accessing on the user. Therefore, the area has been handled with a planning approach that will prevent the negative perception potential in question, make the area habitable and integrate with the city center.
In this direction, a spatial complementary role has been given to the project area against the existing separation from the city center. It is aimed to produce a perceptual role that supports the city center at the point of articulation to the city, to develop the sense of spatial belonging against loneliness, and to organize an urban outdoor space that can be found in the urban life of the city's geographical features, cultural values and traditions with a dynamic space. Thus, the role will form Kastamonu city center as an entrance and a showcase, giving an idea of how the visitor came to the city with clues, traces and architectural readings about the city. The most characteristic feature of the city is its topographic structure. This structure directs the designer to a strong silhouette setup and forms the basis of the reflection of traditional architecture and neighborhood life on today's urban spaces. The reflection of the traditional should not be a romantic copy, on the contrary, it should be in a change setup by referring to the tradition. Not only spatial references, but also references to the commercial habits of the past should be given.
As mentioned above, the project area is within the boundaries of an intersection between the airport and Kastamonu city center. This cross section also carries the development potential of a new city with its existing strong transportation opportunities, and this potential is reflected in the decisions of the Sinop-Kastamonu-Çankırı Planning Region 1/100.000 Scale Environmental Plan (ÇDP) with tt on 26.11.2010 for Kastamonu and its surroundings. urban development area”.
The project, which was handled with a population projection of approximately 1800 people, started by considering three problematics in the general construction phase.
• Identification of the cross-section to be formed between the rural area with the potential to change around the project area and the airport and the existing city.
• The relationship that the area will establish with the immediate environment and its articulation with the existing city.
• Need-based definition of the inner urban space organization of the area
In order to establish a relationship between the project area, which is far from the center of the existing city, both with the existing city and with the new urban settlements included in the forward-looking upper-scale plan decisions, the existing macro transportation backbone must be defined first. Kastamonu city center is developing in northeast-southwest directions. Existing main transportation axes support this development direction and have the potential to connect new areas to the city center. Therefore, the approach to the project area is in the direction of the scale and definition of the integration of its own internal transportation network into the regional and urban transportation network.
The project area is located at the intersection of two important highways in the regional and urban transportation network; one of them is Kastamonu East Ring Road in northeast-southwest direction and the other is D765 Highway in northwest-southeast direction. These two axes serve a high-speed and transit vehicle traffic, revealing a problem in terms of neighborhood scale of the project area, on the one hand, and strengthening urban integration and accessibility on the other. Therefore, in the transportation decisions of the project area, direct entry-exit regulation from a regional transportation axis to the smallest residential unit of the city was emphasized.
In the city of Kastamonu, focal points and important reinforcement facilities are arranged almost linearly in the north-south direction. While the project area was designed on a neighborhood scale, it was decided to organize the social and technical equipment that meets the most basic needs of the population of 1800 people within its own borders, and it was accepted that the upper-scale equipment needs such as state hospitals, administrative structures, vocational high schools, and universities would be met from the city center, thus providing an articulation to the city. .
In addition, it was decided to plan a public transportation stop at the most suitable point for the pedestrian accessibility of the area, within a scenario setup to be built on the public transportation system for the macro-scale transportation system.
Considering the new features that the city will gain with the plan decisions that will emerge as a result of the field evaluation, attention has been paid not only to examine the physical environment of the city, but also to include the movements and lives of people in the public life of the city into the urban fiction. The planning model was shaped by the topographical data of the project area, and the urban fiction was created with the scenario of meeting two sub-neighborhood units in a center, integrating with each other with a main axis, and organizing facilities that respond to daily needs on this axis. According to this, an organic neighborhood unit was designed in the active southern part of the area, which rotates around a point of view within itself, and a linear neighborhood unit is considered in the northern part, which shows the same topographic structure and gives a linear land slope overlooking the eastern countryside. The cut-off center separating these two neighborhood units at low elevation and on a flatter ground will be the scene of a meeting, and the lower meeting areas of both areas will be connected to this point by a main axis. The planning model that emerges with the planning and architectural inputs to support this setup will offer a silhouette reading on the city and a diversity of urban texture. Thus, the linear texture in the north will be broken with an organic form in the south. Two vehicle and one pedestrian entrances and exits will be organized to the area, thus ensuring the protection of internal integrity and emphasizing the privacy of the city.
Aim; “It is the organization of a self-sufficient neighborhood with urban privacy, which will be shaped by interpreting the past, not copying it, by synthesizing the traditional life fiction with today's urban space organization and taking the local architectural character as a reference to the design, taking into account the importance of today's user trends and applicability.” Goals in urban setting;
• Creating a strong silhouette in harmony with the topography, reflecting the traces of the local
• Meeting the required equipment
• To create open and green spaces that increase meeting and recognition
The project area faces the Kastamonu East Ring Road and is associated with the transit traffic flow. For this reason, attention was paid to design the entrance and exit points to the neighborhood by considering the safety principles. Accordingly, two main vehicle entry-exit points and a pedestrian main entry-exit point are planned. By keeping the number of connections to the ring road low, integrity was preserved and attention was paid not to fragment the area. The first entry-exit to the area was constructed by separating a side junction branch from the ring road in the southernmost part, and the second one was constructed with a direct separation from the ring road in the northernmost part, thus providing integration from both points to both traffic flow directions on the ring road. It is foreseen that both connections are signalized and at level. The vehicle axes in the area are planned in a single level with an arterial character of 15 m in cross section in line with the scale of the area and the priority of a pedestrian priority area identity. Attention was paid to the minimum fragmentation of the settlement by vehicle traffic and access by vehicle was provided throughout the area. On the central axis of the settlement, the main pedestrian area in the north-south direction and the east-west axis pedestrian roads connected to this area were designed. In the south, the pedestrian paths are connected to this main pedestrian area by streets with stairs. In addition, in order to ensure integration with the settlements foreseen in the western part according to the upper scale plan decisions, connecting axes were also foreseen and added in the study. Another important transportation axis is the bicycle paths that provide access to the entire area. The bike path route was determined by examining the topographical data, user ability and the relationship between housing-trade-equipment. In addition, a public transport stop is planned at the pedestrian main entrance and exit point, which is on the ring road to the area.
The equipment needed in accordance with the Minimum Social and Technical Infrastructure Area standards for Different Population Groups specified in the Annex of the Spatial Plans Construction Regulation for the projected population of 1800 people in the project area has been determined and planned to the maximum extent. Accordingly, in the field; one mosque, one kindergarten (kindergarten), one primary school, one secondary school, one high school, one family health center (FHC), one cultural facility, official institution area (for headman's office, PTT, etc.), market place (BHA), technical infrastructure area and social and open areas consisting of square, park, district sports area, recreation area and afforested areas are planned.
The location of the reinforcement areas was made by considering the walking distances foreseen for each equipment, based on the general acceptance of the principles of urbanism, and at the same time, attention was paid to ensure accessibility by motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian path.
The main square is reached by starting with the pedestrian main entrance with stairs connecting the urban outdoor life from the ring road in the project area. The main pedestrian space is separated from the main square in the north direction, bringing the urban outdoor life to the interior spaces. Along this axis, the residential structure and the underground commercial activities support the street life. The axis ends with a lower square and gives access to the cultural facility, high school and health facility. On the other hand, the second pedestrian axis, which separates from the main square in the south direction, serves the sports fields and provides purpose separation for the user. It also ends with a lower square and gradually gives access to the residential areas in the south. Urban outdoor life in motion offers the opportunity to watch the surrounding countryside by taking a break at the city terraces designed in the west direction. In line with the planning model and urban fiction, low-density residential areas and commercial units that serve the neighborhood scale have been planned in accordance with the transportation scheme and the location selection decisions for the reinforcement areas. Accordingly, the land use organization is defined by arterial and pedestrian roads in a settlement model surrounded by green areas, and residential islands of 2500 m² on average, showing organic texture form in the south, and 4000 m² residential islands in a linear settlement pattern towards the north are planned. Commercial units have been constructed on the ground floors of the residential buildings extending on the western and eastern façades of the central pedestrian axis. There are also commercial uses in the main square and the lower squares, which are located between the two neighborhood units. It is aimed to integrate the green area with the surrounding green areas by breaking up the residential islands in the south with intermediate parking areas.
In order to reduce the negative impact of the rapid transit traffic identity of the ring road (noise, accident, etc.) and to provide urban privacy in the neighborhood, the area to be afforested at the lowest level has been planned in a way that will not interfere with the traditional permit and city reading, which is aimed to be given in the silhouette. Land uses that support neighborhood life are the main pedestrian areas, squares, pedestrian axis, gathering places and viewing terraces. It is the street life where traditional shopping habits take place. With this concern, the pedestrian axis on the north-south axis has been supported by sub-residential shops. However, another important decision that emphasizes neighborhood life is the market place. Thus, it was aimed to realize the maximum level of user encounters and it was assumed that with the increase in the encounters, the sense of trust and belonging would also increase. One of the most important land use decisions is the decision to displace the energy transmission line, which is currently passing through a part of the area, for security reasons and limited habitability concerns. In this regard, a technical infrastructure area has been allocated that both supports displacement and responds to other infrastructure needs of the area. The distribution of land use in the project area and the necessary equipment distribution table in line with the relevant regulation are given.
We see that traditional settlements differ in terms of different lifestyles of Anatolian civilizations, climate, topography data, construction skills, socio-cultural structure of the society, and the use of local materials. The characteristics of the settlements according to the regions are observed mostly in the coming together of the houses that form the texture.
The Black Sea Region, which we worked within the scope of this competition, has many centers that convey the examples of traditional architecture such as Safranbolu, Vezirköprü, Amasya, Ayder Plateau.
The Black Sea Region also shows differences within itself. For example, building models of Byzantine, Armenian, Laz and Georgian cultures can be found in the Western Black Sea Region, Pontus in the Central Black Sea, and Pontic, Armenian, Laz and Georgian cultures in the Eastern Black Sea Region.
The building materials used in traditional Black Sea Houses are wood and stone. Although the foundation and basement walls are masonry stone, the systems used on the upper floor are wooden masonry or wooden carcass.
The residences are plain-formed structures on a sloping land, one side leaning against the slope and the other side facing the slope direction, without mass movement. While this form provides an advantage in terms of economy, it also allows the reduction of structural problems to a minimum. In plan types, there is a main place called 'Life' or 'Salon' where the households come together.
The Black Sea Region is one of the least suitable regions for settlement in terms of topography. For this reason, scattered settlement pattern is dominant rather than regular settlements. In order to protect the houses placed in accordance with the slope of the land from the negative effects of the prevailing wind, evergreen plants commonly found in the flora of the region were used.
In the project, creating a STREET texture was taken as a basis in bringing together the residential blocks. These streets intersect with a SQUARE at the FOCUS point. With sub-residential commercial use, STREET always offers a lively social life. Mosque, bank, post office, etc. in the square. There will be services that users can provide on foot within the campus.
The blocks are placed in harmony with the topography, forming a street pattern. The blocks are positioned forward or behind to give movement in the silhouette and on the street. The blocks that sit on the slope are arranged sometimes adjacent and sometimes separately so that they do not block each other's view. With reference to the past, wooden box forms such as bay windows with pitched roofs extending over a stone wall to the street form the main character of the project.
Tunnel Formwork System was used throughout the project considering the ease of construction and economy. Although the tunnel formwork system brings an important practicality, we see that the repetition of the system causes the formation of uniform housing blocks in projects of this scale. Such negative effects have been eliminated by the proposed opening variety and the differences in block heights on the façades.
- HOUSING TYPES While planning the residence, a living space with a sofa was created by taking the traditional Turkish House with a sofa as a reference, while taking into account the usage style of our people, the bedrooms were designed to provide privacy. The two circle typology around the central core allows the intermediate circles to receive light from 2 directions. The living areas of all residences face the landscape direction. It has been tried to produce flats that will allow different uses within the same block. 1+1 flats are placed on the basement floors exposed due to the elevation. While 2+1 and 3+1 apartments were produced on the ground and normal floors, housing types rich in plan diversity were created with 3+1 roof duplex apartments. There are a total of 505 apartments in the project, 280 of which are 3+1, 170 are 2+1 and 50 are 1+1 on the basement floors.
Natural Ventilation: Mass tectonics consisting of different floor heights of the blocks and intermittent block setup based on the slope allow the prevailing wind to reach every area of the campus.
Use of Solar Energy: It is thought to meet the hot water needs of the houses with solar energy panels placed on the roof. Again, it is recommended to illuminate the common areas and the street with photovoltaic panels that are planned to be positioned on the roof.
Water saving: Rainwater collected from the roofs is collected in water tanks under the buildings to be used for garden irrigation. It is recommended to use water-saving sanitary ware inside the houses.
Outdoor Uses
The topographical features of the project area and the different level relationships strengthen the viewpoint and form the main skeleton of the project. The neighborhood texture, which has a linear residential area, consists of architectural structures and open spaces associated with elevations at different heights. The view points with which the buildings are connected are shaped by the placement of the buildings in the layout in a way that respects each other's views.
The pedestrian axis, which forms the main backbone of the settlement pattern, and the park-square areas connected to it, also form the basis of the open space setup. With the pedestrianized road being the main commercial axis, a safe access area is provided for the residents of the neighborhood. At the same time, this pedestrianized area forms the center of daily social life with its scenic viewpoints and recreation areas. However, at the point where the pedestrian axis clarifies for meeting-meeting purposes, there is a mosque and square, which is the center of the project. The pedestrian axis not only provides continuity in pedestrian circulation with the open spaces it is associated with, but also includes destinations.
The park area, which is connected as a continuation of the pedestrian axis, hosts different activities with its welcome squares. In addition, the parking area; It connects the residential areas along the northern and southern axis of the neighborhood with functions such as sports fields, children's playgrounds, and grass activity areas that will serve the residents of the neighborhood.
In the residential area located in the south of the area, there is a second commercial axis connected with this pedestrian axis. This axle, on the other hand, is designed for vehicle access. Both pedestrianized and vehicle-accessible commercial-use axes have functions that support neighborhood life and enable them to meet the basic needs of their residents. It has been given importance to provide access to the basic elements of the neighborhood such as the butcher, barber, coffee shop, delicatessen, post office within walking distance.
Ecological Approaches-Landscape Decisions
The creation of a residential area for a specific population triggers the rapid transformation of the area and then the start of a process that also affects the transformation of the area's surroundings. Nature and nature's own cycle, which form the basis of the life cycle, try to meet the life needs of human beings, but resources are also depleted due to rapid consumption. It is also of great importance to ensure that a neighborhood texture that respects life, provides accessibility to every resident, and respects each other's views in the residential settlement, is also nature-friendly. The relationship between nature and design can be handled at any scale, but interaction with living things and contributing to nature with design can be effective with landscape decisions. The landscape design considered in the project area has also been handled with its contribution to the environment both in itself and at a higher scale.
The priority of green areas is possible by making the vegetative landscape dominant and reducing the hard floors. In this way, both the evaluation of rain water by surface flow and the reflection of sunlight from hard floors will be prevented from supporting the heat island effect.
In addition, it will create an ecological and economic attraction with planting areas that will allow the neighborhood to grow its own food and support urban agriculture.
The plants to be selected throughout the landscape design should be species that can adapt to the continental climate of Central Anatolia as well as the Black Sea climate. Preferring endemic species will be a positive decision in terms of the continuity and harmony of the plant tissue. In addition to evaluating the seasonal transition effects of deciduous species such as maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.), linden (Tilia spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), which will remain evergreen and ensure continuity in the landscape, red pine, yellow pine, larch It is also important to use coniferous species such as (Pinus spp.) and fir (Abies spp.).
The comfort level of users should be increased, especially in outdoor activity areas, with plants that will create a shady area by making a wide crown. In addition, it is thought to prefer tree groups that will make a certain texture visually and physically continuous on pedestrian axes with the guiding effects of vegetative elements.
In the structural landscape design, it is desired to create a permeable texture with the use of nature-friendly flooring materials and to meet the rain water with the soil. Adoption of ecological approaches on hard floors is supported with the preference of natural materials, the use of porous asphalt/concrete on surfaces such as asphalt and concrete.
Access - Transportation Decisions
The topographical structure of the neighborhood, which includes different elevations, also emphasizes the importance of accessibility in the design that gives priority to pedestrians. The settlement pattern should be accessible to everyone and offer equal opportunities to all users. For this reason, in addition to stairs, ramps with a slope suitable for disabled access are included in the access to the areas. In addition, pedestrianized spaces offer safe living spaces for the visually impaired, increasing the comfort level of user groups.
Additionally; In addition to walking in the neighborhood, one of the main means of transportation is also encouraged to be a bicycle. In this way, a more environmentally friendly approach can be adopted and contribution can be made to the healthy lives of the residents of the neighborhood. Being a part of the transportation network of the bicycle path, which is designed in accordance with the standards, has been designed as a part of the neighborhood life.